
Fastest Speed Ship Operated Between China Mainland and Taiwan

The world's fastest speed ro --- "Channel Number", just over a month we should assume the important task of cross-strait direct flights. Yesterday morning, to stop the Taiwan compatriots in Fujian Pingtan in Pingtan border officers, under the organization of a special visit "Channel number", a closer look at the cross-strait "new messenger."
It is understood that, as one of China's China budget tours first high-speed ro, "Channel No." formerly known as "Carter", is the world's fastest speed of only several ships, all-aluminum high-speed wave-piercing catamaran Passenger Ship, one from Australia manufacturing, the total purchase price of about $ 40 million. The ship speeds up to 48, the captain 97.22 m wide and 26.6 m, gross tonnage 6556 tons; spacious cabin smooth, luxurious comfort; large cabin has 4 decks for loading, the first and second floor of truck lanes, 260 cars can be loaded; third, four-deck level for passengers and the cockpit were available for more than 780 passengers.
It is reported that, "Channel No." cross-strait direct flights ro, China tours cheap will be officially in August of this year to assume the important task of cross-strait direct flights, then to Keelung, Taiwan from Fujian Pingtan only about three hours, only Pingtan to Hsinchu take 1.5 hours will significantly shorten the time from both sides. Day, just to Pingtan border officers invited by the Taiwan compatriots, Approaching "Channel Number" to see "Channel number" of performance, the role and significance in such a way to feel most close to the Taiwan Strait, "the new messenger."For more information, please shift to Budget Tours in China

